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stable resonator中文是什么意思

用"stable resonator"造句"stable resonator"怎么读"stable resonator" in a sentence


  • 稳定谐振器
  • 稳定谐振腔


  • Applying this model , the influence of minute cavity misadjustment on measured reflectivity of cavity mirrors in the stable resonator is analyzed , which is compared to that in confocal resonator
  • Based on the change of misalignment sensitivity with the length of cavity , a kind of ring - down cavity is put forward , which is stable resonator , and its cavity length is 0 . 73 times as that of confocal cavity
    摘要基于谐振腔失调灵敏度参量随腔长的变化关系,提出了一种衰荡腔,它是由共焦腔将腔长缩短为原来的0 . 73得到的稳定腔。
  • Used as ring - down cavity , this stable resonator has , firstly , more influence of misalignment of cavity mirrors on its measured reflectivity , but less of length misadjustment ; secondly , shorter cavity length which advantageous in engineering ; finally , less diffraction loss and thus higher metrical precision
用"stable resonator"造句  


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